Today Tyler had his two month well-child checkup. He is as healthy as can be! He is still in the 25th percentile weighing 10lbs 7oz and 22in in length. He had to have five immunizations! That's 4 shots and 1 that he had to drink. I had never heard of drinking immunizations before, but this is for Rotavirus and new since Adam was born. Adam and I both got Rotavirus a year ago and it was AWFUL, so I'm glad Tyler got the immunization. His doctor is Dr. Mills (the same as Adam) and we really like him. He never seems rushed and is very thorough. He likes to know our family well and remembers everything!
Tyler is such a happy baby! He smiles all the time now and is even sleeping about 10 hours at night, 7 of those hours in a row. But as soon as we got Tyler sleeping through the night Adam decided to back track and wake up all the time. Go figure....
Here are some pictures of Tyler I took today...what a cute 2 month old!
Hey linda! your boys are so adorable! I can only hope that mine comes out half as cute in January! I hope all is well with your family!
Two months and I still haven't gotten to play with him. I need some Tyler love!
That's funny that Adam is waking up now that Tyler is sleeping through the night... Hallie has done the SAME thing!!?? She wakes up so much during the night and Sydnee sleeps about 8 hours in one stretch... what is up with that!? Glad to know I'm not alone!
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