Friday, March 25, 2011

Smart or Dumb?

Today I was supposed to get a fine needle aspiration on my thyroid. The chiropractor thought my thyroid was big so I went to the doctor. He had me get my blood tested and an ultrasound. My blood came back normal, but they found a nodule during my ultrasound. I did some research on my own and decided to let it be and cancel my biopsy. It was going to cost $1,200 at least, plus the chances of it being cancer are really low. My blood tests were fine and I feel great (aside from the headache I have had for nearly 2 months, but that is unrelated). I asked the doctor to look at the ultrasound again to see if I really do need to get the biopsy. Maybe I am being totally dumb. I don't know. But I feel like I took my health care into my own hands and I like that.


Tana said...

I did the same thing with lump in the boob. After a ton of tests, ultrasound and mammogram. All the doctors wanted to do a biopsy just to be save but I didn't want to pay for another test that came back negative. I wasn't wrong. It went away eventually.

Kirsten said...

I love being able to call my own shots like that, I just wish I knew more. With this baby, I didn't go to the doctor for the first three or four months, and it was bliss: once I went all of a sudden they're asking me how much water I'm drinking and to do kick counts and blood work and whatever. Geez, we're fine, thank you (though I do understand all the caution, etc)

corine said...

I do thyroid ultrasounds and see thyroid nodules all the time. Do you have the US report? Was it over 1 cm? Did it have micro-calcifications? I totally agree with you though and think it best to do your own research along with consulting with your doctor to come to what you are most comfortable with. Because unfortunately so many of physician's recommendations are based upon lawsuits and insurance policies. It's not their fault, it's just the sad reality.

Linda A. said...

And that's the thing Corine, they didn't tell me anything about the results. They just said that I needed to get the Fine Needle Aspiration. I asked the dr to look at it again and let me know what exactly they saw. I'll ask about the size and micro-calcifications. I understand being overly cautious but I prefer not getting a needle stuck in my neck for no reason. ;) Thanks for the advice! I had forgotten that you did ultrasounds, that's awesome.