Saturday, March 19, 2011

Psychic Abilities

Dinner tonight was like a page out of Harry Potter. Tyler, my (once) loving 2 year-old has decided that he "doesn't like" anything to eat, aside from cookies, candy, and cake. Lovely. So the delicious chicken, cheesy potato, and green bean supper I made for the family was "gross". Kicking and screaming over every little bite, Mario kept sending Tyler to time-out. Adam turns to me through the chaos and says, "Whoa, Mom, I just saw the future! I'm kicking Tyler because he is so annoying." I tried to stifle my smile, but golly is the kid funny! Finally I got Tyler to eat by pretending to cast a spell on his food that made him grow like a giant right before our eyes. He ate the whole plate. If there are any mothers of picky eaters reading this, I'll let you in on the secret spell. It goes: Cheesy, cheesy, cheesy POOF! So now our family has a psychic, giant, and wizard.


Anonymous said...

hopefully Adam's prediction didn't come true.

Brooks and Heather Lively said...

SOOOO funny! Kicking Tyler because he is so annoying. Hilarious.

Kirsten said...

i'm laughing so hard i can hardly type! dalton should have come over for that dinner, because that's what he did to me tonight...arg.