Last Tuesday we went on a field trip to the Fish Hatchery for Tyler's preschool. It wasn't anything to fancy but it is close to Medford and the kids had a blast.
Alex loves riding in the backpack. We'll have to go on hikes when the weather gets nicer.
Flat Adam went for a ride in the backpack as well.
The whole group around a pool of Rainbow Trout. They give you a huge bucket of food and let the kids go feed the fish.
Tyler made me so nervous and kept trying to get close to the fish. At one point he went under the fence and was standing right next to the pool. I almost had a heart attack.
Inside the visitor's center there were all sorts of stuffed animals. It was pretty cool.
Steering a ship?
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Flat Adam goes to the Fish Hatchery
Posted by Linda A. at 10:08 PM 0 comments
Flat Adam Learns to Juggle
Monday of Spring Break we started our adventures with a trip to Kid Time. They had a juggling group come and teach the kids how to juggle. This resulted in hours of Adam throwing balls around our house in an attempt to at some point actually catch one.
Posted by Linda A. at 9:50 PM 0 comments
Adam Stanley
Posted by Linda A. at 9:40 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 28, 2011
So remember a few days ago when I thought I was all fancy and knew everything? Well, I talked to my doctor and he explained more thoroughly my ultrasound results. Looks like I have a thyroid nodule that is 1.6 cm and looks irregular (?), whatever that means. So, the doctor highly suggests that I go ahead with the fine needle aspiration because the risk is too great. All I can think is, CRUD. I don't want to go and get a needle stuck in my neck. It scares me. I'm such a little wuss. I have given birth thrice, all natural twice. I have stepped on a nail and voluntarily opted for lipo on my chin (which I was never able to go through with thanks to Tyler). But for some reason this makes me want to hurl. As far as the money goes, I just think of the much more fun things I could do with it. I could replace all my doggy chewed shoes for one. Oh well, whatever. Toughen up Linda!
Posted by Linda A. at 7:45 PM 3 comments
Friday, March 25, 2011
Smart or Dumb?
Today I was supposed to get a fine needle aspiration on my thyroid. The chiropractor thought my thyroid was big so I went to the doctor. He had me get my blood tested and an ultrasound. My blood came back normal, but they found a nodule during my ultrasound. I did some research on my own and decided to let it be and cancel my biopsy. It was going to cost $1,200 at least, plus the chances of it being cancer are really low. My blood tests were fine and I feel great (aside from the headache I have had for nearly 2 months, but that is unrelated). I asked the doctor to look at the ultrasound again to see if I really do need to get the biopsy. Maybe I am being totally dumb. I don't know. But I feel like I took my health care into my own hands and I like that.
Posted by Linda A. at 8:12 PM 4 comments
Thursday, March 24, 2011
He's a Champ!
Posted by Linda A. at 5:12 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Posted by Linda A. at 7:37 PM 1 comments
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Psychic Abilities
Dinner tonight was like a page out of Harry Potter. Tyler, my (once) loving 2 year-old has decided that he "doesn't like" anything to eat, aside from cookies, candy, and cake. Lovely. So the delicious chicken, cheesy potato, and green bean supper I made for the family was "gross". Kicking and screaming over every little bite, Mario kept sending Tyler to time-out. Adam turns to me through the chaos and says, "Whoa, Mom, I just saw the future! I'm kicking Tyler because he is so annoying." I tried to stifle my smile, but golly is the kid funny! Finally I got Tyler to eat by pretending to cast a spell on his food that made him grow like a giant right before our eyes. He ate the whole plate. If there are any mothers of picky eaters reading this, I'll let you in on the secret spell. It goes: Cheesy, cheesy, cheesy POOF! So now our family has a psychic, giant, and wizard.
Posted by Linda A. at 9:05 PM 3 comments
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Happy Nine Months!
Posted by Linda A. at 3:02 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Things are Looking Up
Last night, like a brave warrior, I went in for my second cub scout den meeting. I was prepared, terrified, and prayerful. The boys did great! I think last week they may have been stretching the limits to see what they could get away with. Last night, however, I came into a room that had already been set up by one of the boys. What a nice surprise. Several of them had actually completed the assignment I sent home, which was awesome! We learned all about Tall Tales and almost all the boys where able to sign off a whole did section. I read a book to them and everyone payed attention. WOO HOOO! They really are good kids.
Posted by Linda A. at 8:47 AM 1 comments
Monday, March 14, 2011
Feels good to be remembered.
This afternoon the kids and I went to the Medford Library to pick up some books. I am teaching the cub scouts about different Tall Tales tomorrow and needed books. We used to go every single Wednesday for story time but now it interferes with Adam's school schedule. Plus I have a Nook now and check out library E-books online. When I go to get the kid's books it is usually at the Central Point Library. It's been ages since we went to the Medford Library! The sweet children's librarian, Leslie, recognized us immediately and came over to ask how we have been. She said she's missed us and that the boys were getting so big. It made me laugh because we get the same reaction from the employees at Target, Gap, Albertson's and Children's Place. Do I need to stay home more often? Hahaha
Posted by Linda A. at 5:13 PM 1 comments
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Sunday Morning Tradition
Most of the week we eat either cold cereal or oatmeal for breakfast. Mario is usually rushing out the door for work and the boys and I are headed to swimming lessons or preschool. Sunday is the one time that we can sit as a family for breakfast. Adam and Tyler love pancakes, eggs, and bacon or sausage. This morning I made it but most Sundays Mario does. Having 2 o'clock church has it's benefits! I love a nice leisurely morning. And a lovely surprise this morning is that Tyler said prayer. For months we have been asking him to pray and he always says no. We haven't wanted to push it (prayer shouldn't be a punishment) and today he just started copying what Mario was saying without even being asked. He's such a good boy!
Posted by Linda A. at 11:09 AM 1 comments
Thursday, March 10, 2011
We've Been Hit
After months of health our family has finally gotten hit by the bug thats been going around. Tyler is coughing with a bad runny nose and a MAJOR case of the fussies. It doesn't help that I accidentally hit him in the head with the knob on our pantry yesterday. He has a huge black and blue goose egg on his temple. Poor kid!
I have had a headache for a little over a month now. I've been to the doctor's office twice and to the chiropractor a few times. Nothing is helping! I'm nursing Alex still so there is only so much I can do medicine wise. I've quit Diet Coke and haven't had any for weeks now. I thought that might help but it hasn't. Now I have a flu-ish killer headache as well as a cough, sore throat, and runny nose. Yuck! I also had an ultrasound yesterday on my thyroid but I'm pretty sure everything will turn out fine with that.
Mario just woke up this morning with a sore throat.....Not him, too!!! This sounds really complainy so I'm sorry! I'm sure we will feel better in no time.
Posted by Linda A. at 12:31 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
From Noon to Two
Posted by Linda A. at 9:36 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 7, 2011
Dinosaur Preschool
Today was my turn to teach preschool. We learned all about Dinosaurs! Adam had the day off school so he joined us. We had a blast!
Making "fossils" with plastic dinosaurs and play dough.
The kids ate like dinosaurs: Dino-nuggets (meat eaters), apples (plant eaters), goldfish (fish eaters).
They also colored pictures of big dinosaurs.
Alex liked to admire our "volcano". It was super cute and easy. I used a soy sauce bottle and put green play dough all around it so it looked like a mountain. Add some dinosaurs at the base and make them extinct with baking soda and vinegar. It was a hit!
I got a blow up dinosaur at the dollar store and some green Easter eggs. I filled the eggs with dinosaur shaped candy and hid them around the room. The kids had to help Momma Dino find her babies. It was really fun and the kids couldn't believe that dinosaurs laid eggs like chickens.
Posted by Linda A. at 5:13 PM 2 comments
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Eternal Perspective
Sometimes having an eternal perspective makes all the difference. I've had to learn this lesson many many times, most recently this week. A sweet little girl from church passed away on Monday. She would have been 2 next month. My heart aches for her parents, Anna and Morgan, who have been in my prayers all week. I can't stop thinking about how I had seen her only hours before at church. She was all smiles and sharing toys with Alex on the floor during Relief Society. The funeral was yesterday and I was surprised to find that I didn't shed a tear. I had bawled when I heard the news, but during the funeral I felt a peace. Her father told us of Kaiya's strength despite her health problems, which had hindered her gross motor development. The other speakers bore witness of Christ; that through Him we will be reunited with our bodies. I know that Kaiya is now with a loving Father in Heaven. I am so thankful for that knowledge. It is a comfort to know that there is a purpose for us to be here on earth and that when our life is over our spirits continue on.
Posted by Linda A. at 10:52 AM 2 comments
Thursday, March 3, 2011
According to Adam:
Pigs are disgusting when they are alive but fantastic looking when they are dead.
With $100 he could buy a race car, so could I please give him $100 instead of paying for swimming lessons and soccer.
The new girl in his class is a very good and polite little kid since she raises her hand and sits criss-cross-applesauce during carpet time.
Spoons can be weights when exercising.
(Five is such a fun age!)
Posted by Linda A. at 12:24 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
30 Day Shred
Today was day 1 for me of the 30 Day Shred. It is a workout video by Jillian Micheals. I think she is from "The Biggest Loser". It was pretty intense for a workout video! My goal is to lose 10 pounds in 30 days. Possible? I hope so! I have a group on Facebook that I am marking my progress with. I am already getting sore from the workout today which is a total bummer since I went to the chiropractor this morning and got super painful yet productive massage and adjustment. He did some crazy thing to my neck and relieved tons of pressure. It was fabulous. I hope this doesn't ruin the progress in my neck.
Posted by Linda A. at 9:59 PM 3 comments
Posted by Linda A. at 9:44 PM 2 comments
Mario Brothers
Posted by Linda A. at 9:38 PM 1 comments