Thursday, May 22, 2008

This is Bad....

Okay, so right now I should be making dinner, vacuuming, folding laundry, and sweeping the floor (not to mention paying attention to Adam). But what am I doing? Looking at everyone's blog! I've really started something here! Please tell me that other people waste time doing this too.....I can't be the only one!


Sirrine said...

No... you aren't the only one. I go online to look up jobs and Chris puts up blogs (hey, that rhymes). It's sad.

Anonymous said...

I love seeing what everyone is up to. It is a great way to keep in touch! Now, go make dinner!

Tana said...

I'm addicted to the life of lurking! It's so much fun. And the laundry will still be there when Mario gets home.

Brooks and Heather Lively said...

Oh I would be so excited to see you! I was gonna say, oh we'll be in Washington next month but I guess you dont live there. And by the way I am NOT pregnant...I just like the chinese gender thing...haha

Brooks and Heather Lively said...

Oh I would be so excited to see you! I was gonna say, oh we'll be in Washington next month but I guess you dont live there. And by the way I am NOT pregnant...I just like the chinese gender thing...haha

Kirsten said... too.
so fun to hang out with you guys today!