Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Baby Boy Aguirre Update

So we have about 4 weeks until the baby is due....not to say he will be born on schedule. I think the whole not knowing when he will come is stressing us out the most! Sometimes I just want to be done being pregnant...and then I think of how hard taking care of a newborn is : ). Most importantly I can't go into labor until my mom is here and I better not go overdue to when she has to leave! I need my mommy! I guess he'll come when he comes. Thankfully this pregnancy has been about a million times easier than Adam's. I've been having tons of painful Braxton-Hicks which gets old but at least I don't have to lay in bed all day like last time! Sweet Sweet Freedom!

Adam is really starting to understand that the baby will be born soon. He keeps asking how we'll get him out... hmmm. What's really scary is when he asks if he should go get a knife so we can cut the baby out. Yikes! I just tell him that the doctor will do it. Adam has been coming with me to doctors appointments which he actually really likes. He gets to listen to the heartbeat and talk to the doctor. Dr. Binnette asked his this week if I've been nice or if I've been getting crabby and grumpy. Adam said, " A little bit crabby and grumpy!" It made me laugh. Kids can so not keep secrets!

Mario has been great listening to all my complaints...poor guy! He totally deserves a medal. But my biggest complaint is that we still don't have a name. Yep that's right, nothing! We lay in bed every night with a baby name book and still cannot agree on a name. Mario is a big fan of naming the baby Mario....hmmm....nope! I'm sure it will come to us eventually. Well the baby might not have a name when he's born but he'll sure have a lot of love! If all else fails he can be hey you until he's old enough to name himself. How does Spiderman Aguirre sound?


Tana said...

Wonder Boy? Robin? Destructo? I could keep it going. I can't wait to hold this little baby.

The VanderHoevens said...

The deal is still on - if You use Benjamin we will use Adam ;)

We can have Little Ben and Big Ben and Little Adam and Big Adam. :)


The VanderHoevens said...

Oh - yeah - also as long as you are pregnant, I know I still have awhile. Once you and Cat have your boys, it will be my turn after that! - Valerie

The Keenan Family said...

I can't wait for him to be here! You should let him name himself thats very new age of you! Also you should not assign his gender until he is old enough to choose.

Kirsten said...

and some people actually do that! what do they call the baby in the meantime? (assign himself a gender--i almost died!) maybe you should open the book in the middle, put your finger down on a name, and go for that. just make sure you open in the boy's names section...yikes!

Cameron, Shannon Voge said...

I totally remember how you feel! It was just four weeks ago that I couldn't wait to be done with being pregnant! Your sweet baby boy will be here before you know it, and then they'll be a month old before you know it!? Sydnee is growing like a weed. We weren't sure of a name either until a week or two before she was born... so hang in there! You'll come up with one! I kind of like Spiderman Aguirre :)

p.s. here's my advice about how to cope with adjusting to two kids: you just have to lower your standards a little and I promise you'll love having two kids!