Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Chick Magnet
Posted by Linda A. at 8:44 AM 2 comments
All Played Out
This picture is a couple months old but it just cracks me up. If the boys aren't tired enough when I put them to bed they will be sneaky and play for a couple hours. I don't mind as long as they are quiet and stay in their room. One night they played forever and I thought they would never go to bed....then I found this. They are so sweet and best buds. Even Jasper was exhausted from the playing.
Posted by Linda A. at 8:33 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Whoopsie Daisey
So, I may have even forgotten that I have a blog with how bad I've been lately. You know when you get to that point when you are so far behind on posts that you don't even want to blog? That is me. I still have a trip to Washington to blog about, Easter, yada yada yada.
I have a good excuse for being a slacker though. I had to get my appendix out three weeks ago. It was very last minute and threw us for a loop. I had a harder time with the recovery than I thought I would (it hurt!!! I may do a whole post about it...idk). I am so grateful to my wonderful friends who helped with the boys, made me food, and in general relieved lots of stress.
I am also beyond grateful for my Mom and sister, Jennie, who dropped everything and came for a few days to help out. We mostly just hung out on the couch (I wasn't the greatest hostess), but it was so fun to visit! I still can't lift more than 20 lbs which has been close to impossible with three little boys.
In other news.....It is summer vacation! Adam's last day of school was Friday. It has been in the 70's and perfect everyday. I love me some summer! Last Saturday I had a garage sale with Tamara and Joy. It was SLOOOOW and we didn't sell to much, so we are going for attempt numero dos in a couple weeks. It feels so good to get rid of junk. I sold our dining room table that we had gotten for free years ago, which means that hopefully we can get a new one soon. (hint hint Mario)
I promise to catch up on some random posts soon. I know it seems silly to go back so far and play catch up, but I really want to have this blog as a family journal. If you get bored reading it....whoopsie daisey!
Posted by Linda A. at 2:38 PM 2 comments
Saturday, May 21, 2011
H is for Hen
It is mid May and our Co-op Preschool is still going strong. Tyler, who will be 3 this summer, has learned so much this school year. He can now trace his name and recognize it. He can also trace and recognize several of the letters and numbers. He can sing along to the alphabet but can't quite do it on his own yet. He can also count to 12 and knows all the colors. He is even starting to color in the lines and cut with scissors.
Posted by Linda A. at 10:25 PM 0 comments
I am so far behind on my blogging. I have our trip to Washington to blog and lots of little adventures at home. Sometimes when I am behind I just don't blog because I feel it has to be a huge catch-up session. So, I am going to skip everything for now and go back later. I know, totally living on the edge! So here are some random thoughts for today:
-Yesterday Amy and her adorable family came to visit for a couple hours on their way down to California. I love living off of I-5! It was so great to see her. I hadn't realized quite how much I had missed my bestie!
-The weather has been lovely, which is wonderful, but it also means that today I HAVE TO get our yard in order. I hate being THOSE neighbors.
-Our vegetable garden is doing awesome so far!
-I made homemade chicken broth for the first time last night. It reminded me of Thanksgiving night cousin sleepovers. TURKEY SPRAY!!
-I think Good Luck Charlie on the Disney Chanel is my favorite show. This is either a testament to how lame I am or how bad The Office has been lately.
-Alex is going to be walking any day now. He will stand up in the middle of a room but will laugh and sit down if you look at him.
-Tyler has been SUPER clingy. He will be 3 in a couple months and is way to old for me to hold all day.
-Adam is reading like a pro. It is so exciting! I hope he keeps this love of reading.
Now I am just procrastinating doing the housework and then the yard work. Peace!
Posted by Linda A. at 8:51 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Exhausted Much?
Posted by Linda A. at 9:10 PM 1 comments
Brotherly Haircuts
Posted by Linda A. at 9:05 PM 0 comments
Cub Scouts and Cars
A few weeks ago I took our Cub Scout troop to see the cars at Lithia, Mario's work. They had a blast! It was a little crazy but Tom did a great job of showing them around. The boys loved the cars and had fun!
Posted by Linda A. at 8:54 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 2, 2011
Pre-Easter Celebration
Posted by Linda A. at 9:27 PM 0 comments
Terrible Twos
Posted by Linda A. at 9:03 PM 1 comments
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Gas, Weddings, and other Randomness
-Gas is really, really expensive. Yuck!
-Bin Laden is DEAD!!! I can't believe I am actually celebrating someones death, but he was such a deplorable person. Thank you troops!
-K, I'll admit it...I LOVED the royal wedding this weekend. Kate Middleton is gorgeous. It is a modern fairytale.
-Kate Middleton is now my fashion icon. Is it so lame that I want to dress just like her? Probably, but I don't care!
-Church today was wonderful. I love my ward so much. They really are my Medford family.
-I get to go home in a couple days!!!! I can't wait to see my Mom and Dad!
-Life is pretty dang good. For reals.
Posted by Linda A. at 9:42 PM 0 comments
French Fry Face
Posted by Linda A. at 9:38 PM 1 comments
In the (Jelly) Belly of the Beast
Posted by Linda A. at 9:22 PM 1 comments
San Fran Photo Dump
I took a whole ton of pictures on our quick trip to San Francisco a couple weeks ago. I wanted to write more but I have so many new pictures and stories to tell. I've decided to just post a few of my favs from S.F. and move on.
My boys eating million dollar Ben and Jerry ice cream on the Waterfront. I swear, every time you eat something there you spend $50. Oh well!
Tyler loved the horse at the Muse'e Macanique'. The whole place is full of little coin operated games that are very old and mega creepy.
Adam and Tyler found their pirate buddy.
Posted by Linda A. at 8:52 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 29, 2011
The Pacific Ocean
I adore the ocean. The pure expanse of it amazes me. Mario and Ginita appreciate a nice warm beach, but I think even a cold one is lovely. We only spent a few minutes on the beach because it was very windy but the kids still managed to get sand in every imaginable bodily crevice.
Me and Ginita
The Fam! This is one of only a few family pictures that we have. I love it!
Angel Alex
Tyler and I are gangstas. The whole wall was pure graffiti. Classy.
Posted by Linda A. at 10:58 PM 2 comments
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Major Slacker
I have been so bad about my blog lately. Life is busy. Really busy. I have pictures to post and stories to tell. But instead I am going to watch "The Office" since it is Steve Carrels last episode. Then in the morning I am going to watch William and Kate's wedding. See, I am busy with very important things.
Posted by Linda A. at 9:44 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Adam to Tyler: "When I get to 5 you are in time-out! 1......2.....3....4.......4 1/2......4 3/4......"
(Adam is looking over my shoulder and just READ what I was writing! He is learning so fast. And apparently he knows fractions. Or maybe I am too lazy to actually give a time-out, so I count forever. Regardless, I need to stop writing embarrassing things about him, because he will find out.)
Once again, Adam to Tyler: "Don't go in the garage. I'm pretty sure I heard a bomb in there."
(My kids are obsessed with the garage lately. I'm not sure what the big pull is. And in case you were wondering, we don't actually have a bomb in our garage. That I know of.)
Posted by Linda A. at 3:07 PM 1 comments
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Scenic Drive around San Fran
While in San Francisco we decided to take a scenic tour around the city. All we had to do was follow signs that led us through the touristy parts of San Francisco. Sounds easy, right? Nope! A 40 mile drive took about 3 hours. We kept losing the path and having to find it again. Mario got very good at driving and I got good at reading maps. We could totally do the "Amazing Race" now. Thankfully the drive was lovely, if not long. We found some nice gems that we never would have seen. Like this building:
Posted by Linda A. at 11:39 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 16, 2011
The Rides
Poor Tyler wasn't tall enough for a lot of the rides but he had so much fun on the ones he could ride. There was a little mini-roller coaster he got to go on. I have never seen him so happy in my life. It was adorable. He kept screaming, "WEEEEEE!"
Posted by Linda A. at 4:54 PM 0 comments
Six Flags Discovery Kingdom
Last weekend Mario and I packed up the kids and Ginita and headed to San Francisco. Our first stop was Six Flags Discovery Kingdom. It was a blast! It is a theme park/aquarium/zoo. We watched a water show featuring a dolphin and an Orca whale. They were amazing. Watching the whale dance was our favorite part.
Adam and Tyler wanted me take a picture of the birds so they could show Papa. They always think of Papa when they see birds.
Tyler and Adam with Odin the tiger. We also got to see the real Odin, which was really cool. I hadn't realized how huge tigers are.
Posted by Linda A. at 4:26 PM 0 comments