Monday, November 23, 2009

Can I get an Amen?

Tyler is 16 months old now and just about the cutest thing in the world. He is starting to really be a toddler instead of a baby. Just today we were saying prayer before dinner and Tyler said "Amen" at the end. Then when we knelt for prayer before bed I was saying it line by line so Adam could repeat after me, but instead Tyler babbled and tried to copy me. So cute! Then I layed him in bed and he said "Night Night". What a fun age!
(This picture is a couple months old, but it's cute and my camera is broken.)


Anonymous said...

oh how I love that sweet little boy.

Tana said...

He is really wonderful. You are one lucky girl.

Kirsten said...

cute cute!
when you're feeling better, come up and play!