Friday, February 13, 2009

Facebook for Babies

Tyler has an obsession with our laptop. His goal in life is to touch the clicky buttons that Mommy and Daddy use. He can make it across the room in 5 seconds flat if I leave the computer on the floor. Mario thinks he is trying to get on facebook to talk to his girlfriend...I hope that's not true for a REALLY LONG time!


Tonilinn said...

Way too cute! Noah loves to watch us use our lap tops, but does not try to touch them as of yet...

Anonymous said...

He just wants to see what Nana and Papa are up to.

Tana said...

Can you set him up an account so I can add him to my friends?

Chad & Bonny Day said...

Of course you can blog stalk me haha! Thanks for the comment, you have an adorable family yourself!!

Brittany said...

Hey! It's perfectly fine that you found my blog. Your little guy is a cutie. Caden does the same thing w/ our laptop, he loves the buttons and the lights. haha